Kelds Malerforretning
Indoor and outdoor painting of homes, holiday homes and businesses
If your living room, kitchen, bathroom wall or facade needs a refreshment or a color change, you may want to visit Kelds Malerforretning: Keld will give you honest and competent advice, and with his many years of experience, Keld knows what works and what does not.

For decades, Kelds Malerforretning has specialized in exterior painting and maintenance of wooden facades in the holiday home areas around Hvide Sande. Wood that is exposed to a bit of everything.

Inside too, Keld and his painters know the importance of choosing the right quality products.

Keld is happy to take care of the entire process; both cleaning and covering, and of course filling, priming and painting. If you’re the DIY type, you can also buy your paint and painting tools in the paint shop, where you can get advice and guidance, and help with matching and mixing the right color.

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