Vest-El solves all electrician tasks, small and large
Vest-El is an electrician company with just under 50 employees who can help you with everything from servicing and replacing old installations, to setting up solar cells, charging stations, and electricity rates on new buildings from the workshop at the harbor in Hvide Sande.

Vest-El is owned by a number of local electricians, all of whom are trained in the company and take part in the daily operations.

In addition to Hvide Sande, Vest-El also has a department at the harbor in Thyborøn. The company has electricians driving up and down the coast on a daily basis, servicing the large holiday home areas – and you can call an electrician around the clock via the on-call phone.

As a member of the elsalg chain, Vest-El is happy to replace your old white goods. Another of Vest-El’s specialties is the installation of modern, highly efficient heat pumps and statutory servicing of the same.

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Frisør, Skønhed, Tøj
Feriepartner Hvide Sande
Klittens Borgerforening